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Sandvox Website Profile: “Philip S. Horne, Esq. aka “justicephil””

snapshot of home page

To build “Philip S. Horne, Esq. aka “justicephil”,” Philip S. Horne chose Sandvox. He chose the “Hydrogen” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Tenant Attorney, Civil Rights Attorney, Premises Liability.

lawyer attorney legal housing rights litigation trust civil believe whistle-blower retaliation tenant

Sandvox features used for this site:Site Map, Contact Form, Other Objects

Visit Philip S. Horne, Esq. aka “justicephil” »

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Describe your website.

My website includes my contact form, rate schedule, and career timeline. My website describes how I am an attorney you can trust, an attorney you can believe in, and details my over 20 yrs. of top-quality work. My website details my career of eviction defense, tenant representation, in landlord-tenant litigation and housing rights litigation; premises liability plaintiff representation in personal injury litigation; groundbreaking civil rights representation in disability accommodation, disability discrimination, race discrimination, ethnicity discrimination, marital status discrimination, sexual orientation and anti-gay discrimination, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and whistle-blower retaliation litigation; and legal malpractice litigation before the San Francisco Superior Court and the United States District Court for the Northern Division of California.

Who is the target audience for your website?

My target audience includes: consumers looking for an attorney who is different, who is trustworthy, personable, and who they can believe in; tenants who face an eviction and need eviction defense; and tenants and employees who suffered discrimination on account of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, sex, sexual harassment, or retaliation on account of whistle-blowing activity. Consumers who suffered legal malpractice; and Persons who suffered person injuries as a result of the negligence of a landlord or property manager.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

People will choose me instead of a competitor after visiting my website and seeing that I am an attorney they can trust, an attorney they can believe in, and after learning about my top-rated educational background with over 20 years of top quality work, groundbreaking tenant rights, eviction defense, housing rights, and civil rights litigation work. Also, my history and record of aggressive litigation and results-driven, client-focused work, as well as my record of community service.

Tell us a story about this website.

Building my webpage "Over 20 yrs of Top Quality Work" required me to: 1) Review all of my cases over my entire career, 2) Create a case/results spreadsheet, 3) Create a case/results binder, and 4) Relive every success and every less-than-success. It allowed me to understand who I am, what I offer, and how my contribution to civil rights, housing rights, and tenants rights law is truly significant. I have a history of work in the LGBT community and a history of working for the poor, elderly, and disabled, and my contribution is significant and unique. After I finished the website, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment for having achieved all of the above as well as Photoshopping all the photographs and building the site.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I wanted a script header and a side-bar. Otherwise, I wanted a blank, white sheet.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

I used Photoshop to create single PNG groupings of photographs and to reduce the PNGs so that the website scrolls "smooth-as-silk" in spite of having almost 100 pics.

This website was created by Philip S. Horne of San Francisco, California, USA.